“People’s participation is the essence of good governance.”
Narendra Modi

Happy New Year BMEA members! Did you make any resolutions this year? 

  • Learn a new skill?
  • Become a BMEA steward?
  • Chair or serve on a union committee?


Your 2023 e-Board is ready to help you get started THIS month, January 25th, 4:45pm at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center, 141 Bassett Ln., Hyannis.

Come ask questions, receive steward training materials and learn more about BMEA committee leadership.  This will be a great opportunity to offer suggestions on how to make participating in the union work for you. 

Also.. we have snacks. 

Message from the President:

A heartfelt thank you to the members who voted in our past election, and to our outgoing President Charlie Lewis. We appreciate the time, dedication and effort in managing BMEA activities this past year! A special thank you to returning Vice President Robin Anderson, we are looking forward to 2023!

An organization is only as strong as its member participation and getting involved with BMEA will help the union to remain strong for future municipal employees.

A mentor once taught me that to gain new skills in my professional career, volunteering for activities and organizations that help my community is a great place to learn.

It’s a win/win – new skills and help to continue to provide employee protection and fairness in the workplace. We have several Steward & Committee positions open and an exciting annual calendar of events for membership activities.

Come to the Quarterly meeting on January 25th  – ask questions and volunteer for a position to strengthen BMEA!

Yours in Solidarity,
Paula Hersey


We all have questions from time to time and we want to make it easy for you get answers!

  • Do you have a suggestion for membership activities or ways to engage our members?
  • Do you have questions about the benefits of union membership?
  • Need help in understanding what is in the contract?

Use our Suggestion Box Form here and send us your questions!

Sick Bank Committee:

As noted in our contract:
“The purpose of the Sick Leave Bank is to allow the extension of sick leave
benefits to an employee who because of a life threatening, serious illness or
injury, has exhausted his / her sick, personal and all but (5) days of vacation
leave. Excluded from participation in the bank are employees on Workers

2022 saw a total of 8 requests and approved all 8 for a total of 111 days
We currently have a balance of 197 days

The Sick Bank can hold up to 250 days – we currently have a balance of 197 days.

If you are not currently a member of the sick bank, please contact the Benefits office – it just takes a donation of 2 days to join. A member is able to request up to 60 days in one fiscal year during a serious illness and/or recuperation. Imagine you’ve run out of sick and vacation time and you’ll still be out of work with no pay coming in…the Sick Bank is there to aid in that gap. What a generous gift from fellow Sick Bank members to aid in your recovery.

Are you enrolled in either Short Term Disability and / or Long Term Disability.
Information can be obtained through the TOB website: (link below) or by calling 508-862-4694

Thank you Sick Bank members for your generosity.
If you are not a member…please consider joining during the next enrollment period – this is such a valuable resource for those in need, and a simple, selfless way assist in a safety net.

Thank you

Respectfully submitted
Theresa M. Santos

2022 Toys for Tots Review

2022 brought so much generosity and joy to so many – there are no words to thank you enough for your energy, support and overall assistance.

Congratulations again to Hiedi for your awesome toy box and for taking possession of the trophy! Which is proudly on display in the Tax office!

We are always looking for volunteers… especially since we want to ramp up and expand the program; and maybe even start some new ones! Remember… many hands make light work!

Please contact me at theresa.santos@town.barnstable.ma.us if you would like to join the team!

Theresa M. Santos